Selasa, 14 September 2010

Coleen will regret her pact with the devil


By Sandra Parsons

Inevitable: It was only a matter of time until Coleen accepted cheating husband Wayne Rooney back into the fold, but did she have to do it so quickly?

With wearisome inevitability, Coleen has decided to take Wayne Rooney back. It was a racing certainty that she would — the only surprise is that she caved in so quickly.
At the weekend both prostitutes he’d slept with apologised to Coleen, saying they’d never intended to hurt her.

One of them even went so far as to reassure her that it was all over and done with in ten minutes. So that’s all right then. I bet that made Coleen feel much better.
We are told that Rooney had been calling her incessantly, desperate for her to forgive him.

Doubtless he has told her he loves her and their ten-month-old son, Kai, and promised never to stray again. She’s chosen to believe him, but I think it’s a choice she’ll come to regret.

Like many betrayed wives, she may have felt, deep down, that perhaps her husband’s infidelity was partly her fault. Why, if he really loved her, did he feel the need to pay for grubby sex sessions?

No matter that she is married to a man about whom one of the prostitutes said: ‘I know people call him Shrek but he’s not that ugly when you’re sat in front of him’; at the back of Coleen’s mind will be the nasty, pernicious thought that if only she was slimmer or sexier her husband wouldn’t have strayed.

But more important than any of that will be her overriding desire to keep her family together for the sake of her son. Surely, she will have reasoned, the most selfless act for her as a mother is to take Kai’s famous daddy back?

On top of all that will be terror at losing her celebrity. They have been together for eight years, childhood sweethearts who began dating when they were 16. Her only work experience was as a Saturday girl in New Look, and her ambition was to write about fashion.

She is now worth a jaw-dropping £8 million, with a TV show and advertising contracts with Argos and Littlewoods. Her existence is one of unparalleled luxury — vast houses, staff, expensive cars, diamonds, the very best restaurants and the latest designer clothes.

Scene of the crime: Wayne Rooney checked into The Lowry in Manchester with the rest of his team on Wednesday morning; the upmarket hotel is where he met two prostitutes last year

Life in that particular gilded cage must grow on you very quickly, no matter how humble your roots.

Perhaps Coleen recognises that without Rooney, her celebrity — and her earnings — will steadily diminish and has decided that to stay with him is a trade worth making.

It is not. Women who stay with cheating husbands create a pact with the devil. Their bitterness and resentment become corrosive and overwhelming, turning them into miserable martyrs who spend their lives wondering what might have been.

This was no one-off betrayal, but part of a repeated cycle. I don’t believe that every marriage is ruined by adultery, but there is a world of difference between the man who, married for 30 years, has a drunken one-night stand and the arrogant Rooney.

One girl whom he allegedly tried and failed to get into bed has claimed he sent one of his friends after her to persuade her to change her mind, because what Wayne wants, Wayne gets — ‘like he was a king or something’.

Men like Wayne Rooney do not change their character. He was photographed on Monday grinning like a Cheshire cat and I’m afraid that, no matter how many promises he’s made, he will carry on cheating — because that’s the kind of person he is.

Coleen is a young woman who has made an unprecedented amount of money on very modest talent. Her son, at a young age, is far more adaptable now than he will be in years to come.

She has loving parents who have reportedly told her to dump her husband and move in with them — advice she has chosen for the moment to ignore.

She shouldn’t. It’s time to move on. No amount of money is worth the pain I fear she’ll suffer if she doesn’t.

source :dailymail

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