Selasa, 26 Oktober 2010


Lebih dari 100 tahun belakangan, para awak kapal yang sedang menjelajahi lautan dibingungkan dengan penampakan-penampakan objek tak dikenal yang muncul dari dalam laut dan terbang dengan kecepatan tinggi. Objek-objek seperti ini kemudian diberi julukan Unidentified Submerged Objek (USO) atau Objek bawah air tak dikenal.

Banyak yang percaya kalau objek misterius ini sesungguhnya sama dengan UFO yang sering terlihat di udara. Karena itu, kadang objek ini juga sering disebut dengan istilah UFO air.

Penampakan USO disebut-sebut telah ada sejak ribuan tahun yang lalu.

Pada tahun 329 SM, pasukan Alexander agung disebut menjumpai dua objek berbentuk piringan yang muncul dari sungai Jaxartes di india. Menurut legenda, Alexander begitu terpesona dengan penampakan itu sehingga ia menghabiskan 6 tahun berikutnya untuk menjelajahi sungai itu dengan peralatan penyelam pertama di dunia.

Christopher Colombus juga disebut pernah menjumpai objek bawah air tak dikenal. Pada tanggal 11 Oktober 1492, kapal Santa Maria yang ditumpangi oleh Colombus sedang melewati wilayah segitiga Bermuda. Kemudian, mereka melihat cahaya-cahaya aneh berkelap-kelip di dalam air disusul dengan munculnya sebuah objek berbentuk piringan yang segera terbang dengan cepat ke angkasa.

Tidak ada yang bisa memastikan apa yang dilihat oleh Alexander agung atau Colombus. Ratusan tahun kemudian, kita kembali menemukan banyak laporan penampakan serupa. Contohnya seperti kesaksian-kesaksian di bawah ini:

Pada tanggal 18 Juni 1845, Malta Times melaporkan:
"Saat itu kapal brigantine Victoria berada sekitar 900 mil di sebelah timur Adalia ketika para awak kapal melihat tiga objek bercahaya muncul dari dalam air. Objek-objek itu terlihat selama 10 menit dan terbang setengah mil dari kapal."

Menurut para awak yang menyaksikannya, objek-objek itu terlihat berukuran seperti bulan purnama. Penampakan ini juga dilaporkan oleh saksi lain yang berasal dari Adalia, Siria dan Malta.

Pada tanggal 12 November 1887, di dekat tanjung Race, sebuah bola api besar muncul dari laut, naik 20 meter, lalu mendekati sebuah kapal yang ada di dekatnya, yaitu kapal uap Inggris bernama Siberian. Objek itu bergerak menentang arah angin, kemudian mundur dan terbang menjauh. Peristiwa ini dilaporkan dan didiskusikan oleh majalah Nature, L'Astronomie, dan Meteorological Journal.

Pada malam tanggal 10 Februari 1951 seorang pilot angkatan udara Amerika bersama rekannya sedang menerbangkan pesawatnya dari Islandia menuju Newfoundland. Ketika pesawatnya berada pada jarak sekitar 300 mil dari Newfoundland, mereka melihat sebuah objek bercahaya muncul dari dalam laut.
"Ketika kami semakin dekat dengan objek yang berkilauan ini, ia berubah menjadi lingkaran-lingkaran cahaya putih yang besar di atas air. Lalu, kami melihat sebuah lingkaran cahaya berwarna kuning yang kecil, lebih kecil dibanding objek yang melepaskan lingkaran cahaya itu, pada jarak 15 mil. Ketika objek itu terbang mendekati pesawat kami, kami bisa melihat sebuah pesawat berkubah yang melepaskan korona."

7 tahun kemudian, objek bawah air tak dikenal kembali menjadi subjek pemberitaan.

Pada bulan Mei 1958, sebuah kapal selam misterius terlihat oleh para awak kapal perang Argentina. Kapal selam itu, walaupun kadang terlihat oleh mata, tidak bisa terlacak oleh sonar, hydrophones atau radar. 14 kapal perang Argentina kemudian memburu kapal selam itu sambil sesekali menembakkan torpedo kearahnya. Namun tidak terlihat adanya tanda kerusakan dan kapal selam itu terus melaju hingga menghilang dari pantauan.

Pada Oktober 1959 dan Januari 1960, kapal selam serupa kembali terpantau oleh militer Argentina. Perburuan kembali terjadi, namun kapal selam itu kembali menghilang.

Kapten Ray.M Pitts, salah seorang spesialis peperangan kapal selam yang ikut dalam perburuan ketiga mengkonfirmasi kalau objek itu memang kapal selam. Namun ia juga mengatakan kalau ia dilarang untuk berbicara lebih jauh mengenai peristiwa itu.

Tahun 1963, perburuan USO yang lain kembali terjadi. Kali ini sonar kapal selam Amerika yang sedang berada di Puerto Rico menangkap sebuah objek yang bergerak dengan kecepatan 150 knots dan berada pada jarak 20.000 kaki di bawah kapal selam.

Kapal selam itu membuntuti objek itu selama 4 hari lamanya. Pada hari ke-4, objek itu tiba-tiba bergerak dengan kecepatan yang tinggi sehingga lolos dari pantauan sonar.

Pada Agustus 1965, para awak kapal Raduga dari Rusia, sementara sedang berlayar di laut merah, melihat sebuah objek elips berapi muncul dari dalam air dan melayang di permukaan selama beberapa lama. Jarak objek itu hanya 2 mil dari kapal. Para awak memperkirakan kalau objek itu memiliki diameter 60 meter dan melayang pada ketinggian sekitar 150 meter dari atas permukaan laut.

Pada tanggal 30 Juni 1967, para awak kapal Naviero dari Argentina melihat sebuah objek silinder di dalam air. Objek itu mengeluarkan cahaya berwarna biru putih dan panjangnya diperkirakan sekitar 33 meter. Yang aneh adalah, objek itu tidak mengeluarkan suara sama sekali walaupun ia bergerak di air dengan kecepatan yang cukup tinggi. Bahkan hampir tidak ada ombak yang tercipta karena pergerakan benda itu. Ketika objek itu nyaris menabrak kapal Naviero, ia segera berubah arah dan menyelam kembali ke dalam air.

Pada tahun 1967, para saksi yang terdiri dari belasan orang melihat sebuah objek tak dikenal jatuh ke air di Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia, Kanada. Objek tersebut, yang terlihat seperti sebuah pesawat aneh, diperkirakan memiliki panjang sekitar 18 meter. Para saksi mata juga menyebutkan kalau pesawat itu melayang sebentar, mengeluarkan cahaya berwarna oranye, lalu masuk ke dalam air.

Insiden ini sempat diberitakan oleh media-media seluruh dunia hingga menyebabkan pihak militer dan polisi Kanada melakukan pencarian besar-besaran. Namun, pesawat misterius tersebut tidak ditemukan sama sekali.

Insiden Shag Harbour adalah salah satu insiden UFO yang paling terkenal di dunia.

Salah satu peristiwa perjumpaan USO yang paling aneh, mungkin yang berhubungan dengan kapal Volga.

Pada tanggal 7 Oktober 1977, Volga, sebuah kapal Rusia yang digunakan untuk memperbaiki kapal selam, sedang berada di laut karena panggilan untuk memperbaiki sebuah kapal selam. Tiba-tiba 9 objek bulat terlihat muncul dari air dan segera mengelilinginya. Peristiwa ini berlangsung selama 18 menit. Saat itu juga, seluruh sistem komunikasi di atas Volga mengalami gangguan. Kapten Tarantin yang memimpin segera memerintahkan para awak untuk mengamati objek-objek tersebut:
"Aku ingin kalian mengamati objek tersebut dengan hati-hati dan mengingatnya baik-baik! Aku juga ingin kalian menggambarnya supaya ketika kita kembali ke Sovyet, tidak ada yang bisa bilang kalau kapten kalian ini gila dan mabuk!"

Pada tanggal 26 Juli 1980, para pelaut dari kapal Brazil, Caioba-Seahorse, melihat objek bulat berwarna abu-abu dengan diameter sekitar 10 meter sedang meluncur di air. Pada saat yang sama, cahaya terang muncul di horizon dan mendekati objek tersebut. Lalu, semua peralatan di atas kapal mati secara mendadak. Cahaya itu kemudian bergabung dengan USO yang ada di dalam air. Setelah itu, USO itu naik, melayang selama beberapa saat dan terbang dengan kecepatan tinggi ke angkasa.

Salah satu penampakan USO yang paling spektakuler mungkin adalah yang terjadi pada tanggal 14 Juni 1992. Para saksi mata di California, mengaku melihat ratusan pesawat aneh muncul dari laut tanpa mengeluarkan suara. Penampakan ini kemudian segera dilaporkan ke pihak kepolisian. Namun, karena sifat penampakan yang terlalu luar biasa, pihak kepolisian tidak menindaklanjuti laporan ini. Kisah penampakan California ini pernah diangkat oleh History Channel dalam sebuah film dokumenternya.

Hingga hari ini, tidak ada yang bisa memberikan penjelasan mengenai identitas objek-objek tersebut.

Bagi mereka yang percaya dengan keberadaan makhluk luar angkasa yang cerdas, USO adalah bukti kalau makhluk luar angkasa sesungguhnya memantau bumi secara terus menerus dari markas yang dibuat di dalam laut. Jika memang ada makhluk luar angkasa yang berniat membuat markas di bumi, maka pilihan mereka untuk membuatnya di dalam laut menjadi sebuah pilihan yang tepat karena memang sebagian besar samudera kita sesungguhnya belum terjelajahi.

Ivan T Sanderson, dalam bukunya yang berjudul Invisible Resident (1970) menyatakan kalau USO adalah bukti adanya intelijensi lain di bawah air yang sedang mengembangkan peradabannya.
"Jika memang ada sejenis peradaban teknologis yang unggul berkembang dalam planet di bawah air, maka peradaban ini tampaknya lebih maju dibandingkan dengan peradaban kita, sekitar beberapa juta bahkan mungkin miliaran tahun di depan kita."

Tentu saja, argumen ini tidak bisa dibuktikan. Namun, Sanderson tidak sendirian karena pemahaman ini juga dipercaya oleh banyak pihak.

Bagi mereka yang lebih skeptis, penjelasan mengenai penampakan ini bisa bervariasi, mulai dari salah lihat hingga rekayasa. Memang tidak bisa disangkal kalau ada kemungkinan para awak kapal telah melihat sebuah fenomena alam dan menyangkanya sebagai USO. Kejadian seperti ini banyak terjadi dalam kasus penampakan UFO. Namun pertanyaannya, fenomena alam apa yang memiliki ciri-ciri sesuai dengan deskripsi laporan para saksi?

Inilah yang masih belum dipastikan.

Beberapa orang lain percaya kalau USO yang sering terlihat sebenarnya adalah torpedo yang sedang melaju. Namun, torpedo tidak terbang ke udara. Ini tidak sesuai dengan deskripsi saksi.

Jadi, sebagian lain mengajukan teori kalau sesungguhnya USO adalah pesawat militer yang canggih.

Teori ini juga sering digunakan untuk menjelaskan laporan penampakan UFO. Jika kita kaitkan USO dengan pesawat militer, maka itu artinya cuma satu: pesawat itu haruslah sebuah pesawat yang mampu menyelam ke dalam air dan kemudian terbang dengan cepat.

Menariknya, pesawat jenis ini ternyata pernah ada, paling tidak dalam rupa prototipe.

Pada tahun 1934, Boris Petrovich Ushakov, seorang mahasiswa teknik dari akademi militer Sovyet, mengajukan sebuah rancangan pesawat yang bisa menyelam di dalam air. Pesawat ini ditujukan untuk menyergap kapal musuh yang lewat dengan cara menyelam di kedalaman tertentu, menunggu kapal musuh, dan menembakkan torpedo ketika kapal musuh itu lewat di atasnya. Konsep Ushakov tidak pernah dibuat karena dianggap tidak efektif.

30 tahun kemudian, ide Ushakov direalisasikan oleh Donald Reid, seorang insinyur di North American Aviation. Ia membuat pesawat itu pada tahun 1963 dan diberi nama Reid Flying Submarine (RFS-1). Hebatnya, Reid membuat rancangannya dengan menggunakan suku cadang bekas pesawat dan mengerjakannya hanya di waktu luang.

Dalam uji coba perdana, pesawat itu mampu terbang hingga ketinggian 10 meter, mendarat di air dan menyelam hingga kedalaman beberapa meter. Walaupun terlihat menjanjikan, pihak militer sepertinya tidak tertarik untuk membuat pesawat itu hingga RFS-1 berakhir hanya sebagai sebuah prototipe.

Namun, jangan salah. Militer Amerika tidak tertarik dengan RFS-1 bukan karena tidak menyadari manfaatnya, melainkan karena mereka sendiri sedang membuat pesawat sejenis yang disebut Convair yang kemudian sering disebut subplane. Menurut Eugene Handler, seorang insinyur dari pihak angkatan laut, pesawat ini sangat ideal untuk menyerang kapal Sovyet di laut Baltik dan Kaspia. Tetapi, Convair ternyata bernasib sama dengan RFS-1. Malah, convair tidak sempat dibuat prototipenya karena proyek ini dibatalkan kongres pada tahun 1966.

Hasrat mengenai pesawat sejenis USO tidak pernah pupus dari pikiran militer Amerika. Pada tahun 2008, DARPA, badan riset milik Pentagon, mengumumkan kalau mereka telah memulai proyek pembuatan subplane. Pada tahun 2010 ini, pesawat ini telah masuk kedalam tahap pengajuan proposal karena berbagai rancangan telah diterima oleh mereka.

Dalam beberapa tahun, sepertinya kita akan melihat banyak USO mondar-mandir di lautan lepas.

Mungkinkah USO yang terlihat oleh para pelaut itu adalah pesawat canggih milik militer?

Jika kita mempercayainya, maka pertanyaannya selanjutnya adalah apakah pada masa perang dunia I dan II, pihak militer (negara manapun) telah berhasil membuat pesawat secanggih itu?

Jika pertanyaan ini dapat terjawab, maka saya rasa jawaban ini dapat menjelaskan banyak pertanyaan mengenai penampakan UFO di seluruh dunia.


pada dasarnya dalam mengetik komputer membaca karakter ASCII yang kita inputkan lalu di interpretasi kan ke layar komputer sebagai sebuah karakter. namun ada beberapa karakter yang mungkin belum banyak diketahui berikut adalah daftar table ASCII :

cara penggunaannya adalah sebagai berikut:
sebagai contoh kita akan membuat karakter ™
  1. Tahan Tombol ALT yang ada di keyboards
  2. Menekan nomor kode 0153 pada bagian numlock di keyboard
  3. Lepaskan Tombol ALT
demikian selanjutnya untuk karakter2 yang lain bisa dilihat pada gambar diatas

untuk pengguna laptop, cara pakainya
  1. aktifkan dahulu tombol numlock nya dengan menekan tombol Fn + NumLk
  2. biasanya yang tersedia (at least di laptop saya) J=1,K=2,L=3,U=4,I=5,P=6,7=7,8=8,9=9,M=0
  3. jika ingin mengambalian cukup tekan Fn + NumLk

Kamis, 07 Oktober 2010


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Dan inilah dia bocah yang beruntung itu..

Rabu, 06 Oktober 2010


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Terima Kasih...


VIVAnews - Nama organisasi separatis Republik Maluku Selatan (RMS) kembali mencuat terkait pembatalan mendadak kunjungan Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono ke Belanda. Presiden mengungkapkan sejumlah alasan, salah satunya sedang digelar persidangan dugaan pelanggaran hak asasi manusia (HAM) yang diajukan oleh RMS.

RMS minta pengadilan HAM di negeri itu menangkap SBY saat berkunjung ke Belanda, rencananya Rabu, 6 Oktober 2010. Kata SBY, pembatalan ini demi harga diri bangsa.

Tak hanya nama RMS yang mencuat, John Wattilete, Presiden RMS di pengasingan juga mendadak tenar di Indonesia. Dialah yang meminta pengadilan menangkap Yudhoyono.

Siapa John Wattilete?

Pria bernama lengkap Johannes Gerardus Wattilete lahir pada tahun 1955 di Belanda. Dia berdarah campuran dari ayah yang berasal dari Maluku Selatan dan ibunya yang orang Belanda.

Pada 1983 dia lulus dari Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen (Universitas Katolik Nijmegen). Sehari-hari ia bekerja sebagai advokat di firma hukumnya, Wattilete Advocaten di Amsterdam.

Ia bergabung dengan organisasi pemuda Maluku di Belanda. Pada 1993 dia menjabat sebagai salah satu pengurus. Posisinya di RMS makin menanjak. Sejak tahun 1995 ia menduduki pos dalam kabinet sebagai Menteri Urusan Umum RMS.

Pada tahun 1999 ia sempat pergi ke Indonesia, bahkan dua kali. Ia pergi sebagai delegasi RMS bersama pendeta Otto Matulessy. Pada 18 Oktober, mereka bertemu dengan Presiden Habibie. Dia juga sempat bertemu dengan Presiden Abdurrahman Wahid pada 16 Desember. Pertemuan itu terkait konflik Islam dan Kristen di Maluku.

April 2003, John Watilete, menggantikan Pieter Thenu sebagai Perdana Menteri merangkap Wakil Presiden RMS. Pada April 2009, John Wattilete menggantikan Frans Tutuhatunewa yang telah berusia 85 tahun sebagai Presiden RMS.

Dia pernah menyampaikan pernyataan yang 'sedikit melegakan' pemerintah Indonesia. Dalam wawancaranya dengan harian Belanda, Nederlands Dagblad, Wattilete menyatakan RMS tidak serta-merta memperjuangkan kemerdekaan Maluku Selatan. Kata dia, RMS sekarang bersedia menerima bentuk otonomi khusus seperti Aceh.

Sabtu, 02 Oktober 2010

2NE1’s performances & interview on ‘Yoo Hee Yeol’s Sketchbook’

2NE1 made an appearance on this week’s ‘Yoo Hee Yeol’s Sketchbook’ for the second time since their debut. The group performed their popular reggae remix of ‘I Don’t Care’, and their two new title tracks: ‘Can’t Nobody’ and ‘Go Away’.

During the interview, they talked about how much Minzy has grown since last year, but may not be able to understand some of the lyrics due to her young age, their trip to America to work with the famous Will.I.Am, and their three title tracks earning an award on music broadcasts. In addition, when asked which song they thought was the hardest to sing, Sandara commented that she felt ‘Can’t Nobody’ was the hardest for her. Dara also took a picture with Yoo Hee Yeol and other group members, so she could post on her me2day account on the same day of the broadcast.

source: allkpop

The robotic otter: Underwater robot that swims with flippers and can be controlled with a tablet computer



The AQUA robot uses flippers to move and now will no longer need to be tethered

Scientists have developed a remote-controlled robot that can receive and carry out commands while underwater.

AQUA is small and nimble, with flippers rather than propellers, and is designed for intricate data collection from shipwrecks and reefs.

The robot, designed by a team of universities from Canada, can be controlled wirelessly using a waterproof tablet computer.

While underwater, divers can program the tablet to display tags onscreen, similar to barcodes read by smartphones. The robot's on-board camera then scans these two-dimensional tags to receive and carry out commands.

Scroll down to see how the AQUA responds to the new controls.

Cutting the cord on underwater robots has been a longstanding challenge for scientists. Water interferes with radio signals, hindering traditional wireless communication via modem. Tethered communication is cumbersome and can create safety issues for divers.

'Having a robot tethered to a vehicle above water creates a scenario where communication between the diver, robot, and surface operator becomes quite complicated,' says Michael Jenkin, professor at York University’s Faculty of Science & Engineering

'Investigating a shipwreck, for example, is a very delicate operation and the diver and robot need to be able to react quickly to changes in the environment. An error or a lag in communication could be dangerous,' Jenkin says.

Realising there was no device on the market that fit the bill, Jenkin and his team at York's Centre for Vision Research, including the paper's lead author, MSc student Bart Verzijlenberg, set to work constructing a prototype.

The resulting device, fittingly dubbed AQUATablet, is watertight to a depth of 60 feet. Aluminum housing with a clear acrylic cover protects the tablet computer, which can be controlled by a diver using toggle-switches and on-screen prompts.

Until now the robot has receive d instructions using a lead connected to a computer - now it can be controlled wirelessly

'A diver at 60 feet can actually teleoperate AQUA 30-40 feet deeper. Needless to say this is much easier on the diver, physically, and much safer,' Jenkin says.

The tablet also allows divers to command the robot much as if they were using a video game joystick; turn the tablet right and AQUA turns right, too.

In this mode, the robot is connected to the tablet by a slim length of optical cable, circumventing many of the issues of a robot-to-surface tether. The optical cable also allows AQUA to provide video feedback from its camera to the operator.

In wireless mode, the robot acknowledges prompts by flashing its on-board light. Its cameras can be used to build 3-D models of the environment which can then be used to guide the robot to particular tasks.

'This is a huge improvement on [a robot] having to travel to the surface to communicate with its operators,' Jenkin says.

In past, divers have used laminated flashcards to visually communicate with robots while underwater. However, these limit the diver to a pre-set sequence of commands.

'It's impossible to anticipate everything you're going to want the robot to do once you get underwater. We wanted to develop a system where we could create commands on the fly, in response to the environment,' he says.

source: dailymail

Jumat, 01 Oktober 2010

'Latin sex god' Matt Baker tears up the Strictly dancefloor... but Paul Daniels is simply 'tragic'



Unexpected star: 'Latin sex god' Matt Baker smiles after his winning performance of the cha cha cha on Strictly Come Dancing

Matt Baker's TV appearances typically involve him tucking a wriggling sheep under his muscly arm as he broadcasts from a muddy field.

So it's hard to believe that underneath the Countryfile presenter's down-to-earth, friendly persona, he has the moves of a 'Latin sex god', as a visibly thrilled Tess Daly put it.

The 32-year-old, best known for his years as a Blue Peter presenter, unexpectedly stole the show on the first night of Strictly Come Dancing.

Countryfile on Strictly: There was a nod to Matt's day job in the wellies and grass patch

But not everyone did as well, with veteran magician Paul Daniels labelled 'tragic' as he scored the lowest mark of the night - just 16 out of 40.

But for Baker, it was straight to the top of the leader board with 31 points.
Dancing the cha cha cha with partner Aliona Vilani, the father-of-two tore up the dance floor, his hips shaking and twisting as he mastered every step.

Failed to impress: Paul Daniels was labelled as 'tragic' for his efforts

Baker's background as a former gymnast obviously helped, leaving the judges understandably pleased.

'You sir are one to watch,' said Craig Revel-Horwood, the normally mean-mouthed judge.

Head judge Len Goodman was, for once, in agreement: 'Best cha cha of the night, so good.'

And former winner Alesha Dixon told him: ' I was so impressed, and pleasantly surprised.'

While Bruno Tolioni could barely contain his excitement: 'This year is going to be a classic. What I've seen tonight for first night is amazing, well done.'

Modest: But Baker admitted he did have some tricks up his sleeve

Asked by Tess if he had any more tricks hidden up his sleeves, a modest Baker told her: 'There's a few bits and pieces.'

Tess gasped: 'Latin sex god, tearing up the floor and now he's Matt Baker again.
'He just wanted to get through it, he says!'

Equalling Baker on the leaderboard was Not The Nine O'Clock News' Pamela Stephenson.
Her dance partner James Jordan had an uphill battle, flying to New York to rehearse with Pamela, 60.

His task was made all the more challenging by her Scottish comedian husband Billy Connolly, who sat unsmiling watching the rehearsals.

'Dreamy and romantic': Equaling Baker on the leaderboard was Not The Nine O'Clock News' Pamela Stephenson

According to Pamela Connolly has warned off Jordan, worried that his wife might fall for his charms.

But Pamela has no hesitation as she waltzed onto the dance floor, in a bright blue floor-length gown.

No hesitation: Alesha told her: 'Breath-taking Pamela, absolutely breath-taking. You have such a beautiful energy about you'

Alesha told her: 'Breath-taking Pamela, absolutely breath-taking. You have such a beautiful energy about you.'

Bruno agreed. 'Graceful, fluid, your arm placements for week one, I don't think I've ever seen them so good.'

And the one that matters, Craig, had only words of praise: 'Dreamy romantic, absolutely perfect.'

Keeping a close eye on things: Billy Connolly is supervising his wife's rehersals

Len added: 'You can't win Strictly Come Dancing in week one, what you can do is make a fantastic impression on absolutely everyone.'

As the first dancers of this year's series, Felicty Kendall and Vincent Simone had a daunting task.

But their cha cha cha was clean and perky, or at least three of the judges thought so.

Len told the Good Life star: 'I've gotta say there's more tension in this room than there was in my nan's knicker elastic.

'But you're come out here with confidence. Unfortunately we didn't see enough hips from you, it was just a little bit careful.'

I loved it! Felicity Kendall talks to Tess Daly after her opening dance

Sex kitten: Alesha enthused about Felicity's sunshine yellow dress

Alesha enthused about 64-year-old Felicity's sunshine yellow flowing dress.
'Felicity you look beautiful,' she told her. 'I thought you had just the right amount of sex kitten.'

Bruno was more considered. 'You did all the steps on time, yes you could push the hips a little bit more. I feel your just getting warmed up.'

But predictably one man was unimpressed.

'For me very flat,' said Craig.

But it wasn't all bad news. 'I did like the storytelling and actually the cleanliness of the routine I thought was spot on.'

Felicity admitted it was hard work. 'I couldn't watch the others first, but I loved it.'

Getting down: Scott Maslen from EastEnders performed a VERY raunchy waltz

Scott Maslen from EastEnders followed her onto the dance floor, with a very raunchy waltz.

'If that's a waltz, I'm dreading the rumba,' said a slightly shocked Len. 'Very well done.'

Alesha clarified: 'Len is right, traditionally the waltz is romantic. But I actually liked the sexed up version.

'It was hot, it was spicy. I think you've set a very good standard for next week.'
Bruno added: 'Strong, dramatic romantic, a frisson of sexuality running through it. God knows what you're going to do with the rumba.'

Not so natural on the dancefloor was DJ Goldie, who danced to Kesha's Tik Tok

Craig wasn't impressed by Scott's hands, saying he 'looked like a puppet.'
But he told him: 'You made the waltz dangerously romantic.'

Not so natural on the dancefloor was DJ Goldie, who danced to Kesha's Tik Tok.
Craig seemed slightly shocked by the performance.

'Arm placement was extremely dodgy throughout,' he told him. 'That ghastly 80s move has to go, two-year-olds do that darling.'

Len agreed. 'You're hardly a shrinking violet. You've got great rhythm, It was a little bit overladen with those ripply moves.

'But I would say the cha cha's about having fun and that's what you did.'
Patsy Kensit admitted she was scared about taking part in Strictly.

'It's been a bit of a crummy year for me,' she told the camera, referring to the failure of her short-lived fourth marriage.

'My confidence? I lost it totally. This has just been brilliant for me.'
But her waltz did not go without incident, after she stumbled at the start.

'No way, gosh, I'm so sorry Robin, it's my fault entirely,' she said.

Patsy Kensit admitted she was scared about taking part in Strictly

But her dance partner tried to calm her nerves.

'Patsy did amazing, she's been working so hard and she's given 110% and that's all i can ask from her,' he told her.

Len told her to work on her confidence, while Alesha had words of encouragement.
'I think you looked absolutely beautiful. The waltz is one of the hardest dances you can do on the first night.

'As Len said, just go away, keep your confidence and you'll be fine.'
Finishing up the show was magician Paul Daniels.

He proved he still had the ability to entertain, parodying his background by revealing his dance partner from an empty box.

But |Craig told him: 'The best part of that routine was the empty box, I'm afraid.'

That's magic: In a gimmicky start to his dance Paul did a magic trick...

... revealing his dance partner inside an apparently empty box

And Bruno joked about the choice of music - Could It Be Magic.

'You've got the wrong song, its hould be Could It Be Tragic,' he told him, to boos.
Len, however, did his best to end the show on a high note, telling him: 'It was as though you'd been sprinkled with fairy dust, It was light, it was dainty.'

And Alesha added: 'Well done for coming out and giving it a go. And you know what? Bring on next week.'

You're gonna like this... not a lot: Paul was comforted by his dancing partner

Viewers will get the chance to vote for their favourite celebrity after the final seven have made their debut on next week's show

source : dailymail


'Delusional' husband tried to force David Beckham's car off the road after falsely claiming wife had an affair with footballer



Dressalikes: Victoria Beckham and Shery Shabhani in their shades

DAVID Beckham has been named in a court case over claims of an affair with a married mother of two.

The 35-year-old footballer was forced last night to deny having an illicit fling with Shery Shabani, a Hollywood jeweller to the stars.

Mrs Shabani, 33, said she was accused by her ‘jealous and ‘delusional’ husband Kambiz of having an affair with Beckham, whose three sons attend the same school as her own son and daughter.

She claimed Beckham had told her that Mr Shabani, a 42-year-old lawyer, had tried to run the star off the road in his car outside the school in May.

She also alleged that her husband told police officers that she had slept with the former England captain after she called them out to a domestic dispute.

Beckham, who plays for LA Galaxy, was pictured wearing the exotic brunette’s ‘stackable’ onyx bracelets while shopping in June.

She in turn favours similar sunglasses and accessories to those used by Beckham’s wife Victoria.

A friend of the Beckhams said they were ‘acquaintances’ of Mrs Shabani as their children attend the same exclusive £14,000-a-year Hollywood school. Beckham is often seen on the school run with their three sons Brooklyn, 11, Romeo, eight, and five year-old Cruz.

Shery Shabaniher alleges her 'delusional' husband Kambiz became fixated on the idea that she was having an affair with David Beckham

The seedy accusations surfaced yesterday as part of Mrs Shabani’s application for a restraining order against her husband of 12 years. She is also seeking a divorce.

They come ten days after prostitute Irina Nici claimed she had slept with Beckham seven times. He is suing Miss Nici for nearly £16million in damages. A spokesman for Beckham told the Daily Mail last night: ‘As with another recent story, this is another tale full of fantasy.’

And a friend insisted: ‘This is becoming a clear case of victimisation’, adding that Beckham was ‘not aware’ of Mrs Shabani’s claim that he told her of the incident on the road.

Jewellery designer Mrs Shabaniher is friends with the Beckhams, who are among the celebrities to have worn her designs

‘It’s a very odd situation. Obviously, David’s not complicit in this at all – and he’s only learned of it today. This is all false and there’s absolutely no suggestion that there is any truth in the husband’s claims of an affair between David and the woman. It’s all a bit bizarre to be honest.’

Mrs Shabani denies any affair in the court documents. As part of the restraining order application, she told a court that her husband raged at her: ‘I know why you’re upset, it’s your birthday and you didn’t get a text message from David Beckham!
‘Why don’t you ask him to send you a picture of his c**k for your birthday you whore!’
The documents were filed by Mrs Shabani on August 19 at Los Angeles County Superior Court, where she was granted the restraining order against her husband.

She wrote: ‘Beginning in 2010, Respondant [Mr Shabani]accused me of having an affair with Beckham, often in front of our children.

‘I have repeatedly told him that his accusation is untrue. In fact, Respondent’s ongoing allegations regarding Mr Beckham are part and parcel of Respondent’s delusional thought processes.’

‘Although Mr Beckham’s children go to the same school as our children,
Respondent’s allegations are untrue.

‘In May 2010, Mr Beckham told me that Respondent had gone to our children’s school and tried to drive Mr Beckham’s car off the road. Mr Beckham told me that Respondent [Mr Shabani] had gone to our children's schpp; and tried to drive Mr Beckham's car off the road. Mr Beckham further advised me that his car had almost crashed as a result.

She said it was on July 7 that, in front of their children, her husband accused her of being upset at not receiving a message from Beckham.

Court documents that have been submitted in the divorce case

Finally, she said that on August 17 – the night Mr and Mrs Shabani separated – her husband claimed to police officers called to the house that ‘I had ‘f***ed David Beckham’.

Among the reasons she cited for why she should be allowed a restraining
order, Mrs Shabani said the Respondent ‘falsely accused the Petitioner [Mrs Shabani] of having an extra-marital affair with a celebrity’.

Mrs Shabani started her business in 2003 and on her website, it states: ‘Shery’s pieces are favourites among the Hollywood elite, gracing the necks and wrists of A-list celebrities like Vanessa Williams and Heidi Klum.’

She told the U.S website RadarOnline
yesterday that her estranged husband’s claims of her alleged affair with Beckham were ‘absolutely not true’, adding: ‘This is a really nasty divorce, it was a domestic violence situation.

‘David Beckham is a nice guy. There is no relationship, nothing. This has nothing to do with David, this is my husband’s craziness.’

source: dailymail


Wow Factor: There's no disguising Cheryl Cole as she arrives for book signing in tight camouflage trousers


Attention!: Cheryl Cole looks radiant in khaki satin shirt, camouflage-style print skinny jeans and high-heeled sandals as she arrives at her book signing today at Waterstones in London's Piccadilly

She might be wearing camouflage trousers - but there's no way Cheryl Cole was ever going to blend in with the crowds when she arrived at her book signing earlier today.

The glowing star rocked up to Waterstones flagship bookstore in London's Piccadilly to meet her fans and inscribe the fly leaf of her first book - Through My Eyes.

And the X Factor judge certainly had the 'Wow Factor' in her tight khaki trews, glossy chestnut hair, shiny caramel satin shirt and metallic strappy sandals.

Cheryl curl: The star looked fully-recovered from her bout of malaria with glowing skin and glossy hair

Pen to paper: Cheryl was launching her autobiography Through My Eyes by singing copies for fans

There to greet her were dozens of screaming fans, many of whom had queued overnight for a chance to glimpse the star.

Dedicated fans staked their pitch at around 4pm yesterday to camp out, but kept their spirits high through the chilly temperatures by singing some of the pop star’s hits.

Gissa cuddle, pet: Cheryl hugs a fan who's queued up to get her book signed

Die-hard fans: Cheryl Cole followers started camping 21 hours before she arrived

The morning after: Following their night on the street, the fans woke up still excited for their meeting

Some admitted to photographers that they had skipped school for the event, without telling their parents, while others had even travelled from as far as Scotland to meet the X Factor judge.

And the happy campers made sure to keep warm last night in I Love Cheryl Cole shirts and their sleeping bags.

While one even wore a Cheryl Cole face mask while holding on tightly to the highly anticipated autobiography.

Happy Campers: A queue of fans tucked into their sleeping bags for a long cold night ahead

Passing time: The fans played cards and had a few drinks to wait for Cheryl to arrive

During the night, they passed the time by playing cards, having a few drinks and snacking on McDonald’s takeaways.

The 27-year-old Parachute singer is signing her autobiography as it hits shelves around the country.

Her book reveals how she’s slowly finding her feet as a solo artist after moving on from Girls Aloud and addresses her friendship with Derek Hough.

Tight security was surrounding Waterstone’s in preparation for the star, after Leona Lewis was attacked at a similar event last October.

Cheryl’s security team has apparently been beefed up to prevent a repeat of last year's events.

The 25-year-old Bleeding Love star was allegedly punched in the side of her head while she was signing autographs in the store.

But any worries didn't stop Cheryl getting up close and personal with fans, and gave a few a cuddle.

Not long now: The fans continued waiting this morning for their idol

Long line: The long queue means Cheryl will have a long afternoon signing for fans

Long night: The campers battled the rain and cold weather all night

source :dailymail

Water torture: US make late charge as rain delay wrecks Monty's game plan


Brolly poor show: Europe captain Colin Montgomerie struggles to hold on as he battles the elements

Weather chaos at the Ryder Cup has forced the first format change in more than 40 years in a bid to avoid a dreaded Monday finish.

More than seven hours of play were lost due to incessant rain at Celtic Manor yesterday and organisers have decided to reduce the number of series played from five to four.

Although the Ryder Cup will still be decided over 28 points, the change means that every player is now guarenteed at least three matches. Once the first series of four fourballs are completed this morning, six foursomes will be played, followed by two foursomes and four fourballs

Weather permitting, it is hoped the competition will be back on schedule by mid-morning tomorrow and the 12 singles can go ahead as planned.

After seeing his side finish the day down in two matches and ahead in only one, Monty backed his players to use the new format to their advantage.

'Given the strength of my side I found it very difficult having to leave four players out anyway, so I'm happy with the change,' he said.

Rain, rain, go away: The 18th fairway is criss-crossed with tracks of water

It would have been even worse for Europe had Ian Poulter not holed a monster putt on the 10th hole as darkness fell, so that he and Ross Fisher finished their match against Tiger Woods and Steve Stricker all square with eight to play.

'What a roar went up when that putt went in but that's Ian for you, he's given us a huge boost and hopefully a bit of that will carry over into the morning,' said Monty.

The Americans had been down in three matches and up in one when play was stopped for seven hours at 9.45am. Their spirited fightback took the heat off what had happened earlier, when they were reduced to a laughing stock.

Two hours' play in the morning rain was enough for the visitors to discover their waterproofs didn't repel water and their golf bags leaked.

Standing room only: The flooded spectator area of the 18th fairway after heavy rainfall

Embarrassed PGA of America officials were forced to go to the merchandise tent and buy proper waterproof gear for 24 players and caddies at £350 each.

Paul Azinger, US captain last time, labelled it a 'disaster' but at least accident-prone American skipper Corey Pavin, who forgot to mention Stewart Cink when introducing his team to the crowd at the opening ceremony on Thursday, could not be blamed.

This time it was his colourful wife Lisa, referred to as the captainess by her husband, who was presumably culpable, since she was in charge of the team's wardrobe..

Water tight: Monty and Poulter

source: dailymail